Bollywood tadka team. A case of scuffle has come to light last night regarding famous singer Sonu Nigam. The incident took place while taking selfie with Sonu. The allegation has been leveled against the son of Shiv Sena Uddhav faction MLA Prakash Phatterpekar. After the incident, Sonu reached the police station on Monday night and filed a complaint against the accused. In this case, the police have registered a case against a person. However, no arrest has been made so far.
According to ANI, singer Sonu Nigam was walking out after the live performance. Then this incident happened while coming down from the ladder.
According to the complaint lodged with the police, MLA Prakash Phatterpekar’s son first misbehaved with Sonu’s manager Saira. Later, when Sonu Nigam was coming down from the stage, he first pushed the singer’s bodyguard and then pushed Sonu as well.
After the concert, I was coming down from the stage when a man Swapnil Prakash Faterpekar caught hold of me. Then he pushed Hari and Rabbani who had come to save me. Then I fell on the stairs. I filed the complaint so that people think about forced selfies and scuffles: Sonu Nigam
– ANI (@ANI) February 20, 2023
Sonu Nigam said, ‘As soon as I was coming down from the stage after the concert, I was asked for a selfie. When I refused, he caught hold of me. Then he pushed Hari and Rabbani who had come to save me. I fell on the stairs. Later it was revealed that he is Swapnil Faterpekar, son of MLA Prakash Faterpekar. I have filed a complaint so that people don’t think of forcibly taking selfies and creating scuffles. Had some iron rods been lying there, Rabbani could have died. He was pushed like this. You can see in the video that I was also about to fall.
Singer Sonu Nigam raising voice against Azan loudspeakers by Janab Uddhav Thackeray MLA Prakash Faterpekar and his goons at concert in Chembur. Sonu has been taken to a nearby hospital.
— Sameet Thakkar (@thakkar_sameet) February 20, 2023
At the same time, DCP Rajput said, ‘I have spoken to Sonu Nigam. Till now we have not found any such evidence to ascertain whether the accused really wanted to take selfie or there was some other reason. We are probing to find out the reason.
Shiv Sena (Uddhav Thackeray faction) leader Priyanka Chaturvedi told news agency ANI that this is not an attack. The local MLA’s son was going for a selfie with Sonu Nigam after his performance, but was stopped by Sonu’s bodyguard as he did not recognize him. There was a minor scuffle between them on this. Due to which one or two people fell from the stage. Meanwhile, the MLA’s daughter and former BMC corporator came in between and stopped them. After this the injured were taken to the hospital.