Mumbai: Bollywood actors Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt reached Ujjain on Tuesday evening to visit the Mahakal temple. As soon as the news of the couple’s arrival in Ujjain surfaced, Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishad activists reached the Mahakal temple gate to protest with black flags. Due to this uproar, Alia-Ranbir had to return to Mumbai without darshan.
Protest against 11 year old beef statement
A few days ago, Ranbir Kapoor’s years-old interview went viral on social media in which Ranbir Kapoor was telling beef as his favorite. In the year 2012, Ranbir Kapoor said in a statement- ‘He likes to eat beef in non-veg along with mutton, chicken.’
Along with this, Alia Bhatt had also given a statement a few days ago, saying that whoever wants to see my Brahmastra film, watch the one who does not like it. Due to this, the Bajrangis protested against Ranbir and Alia’s Ujjain Mahakal Darshan and raised boycott slogans.
When Alia and Ranveer Kapoor came to Ujjain, Boycott.. Mahakal was reaching for darshan Alia and Ranveer…
Hindutva organizations created ruckus and protests.
@itsAsheeshSingh @TV9Bharatvarsh #Ranbir Kapoor #aaliyabhat— ravi sen (@ravisen0734) 6 September 2022
Let us tell you that Brahmastra is going to be released in theaters on 9 September 2022. The film is directed by Ayan Mukerji, whose budget is being said to be Rs 410 crores. Apart from Alia-Ranbir in the film, there are many stars including Amitabh Bachchan, Mouni Roy, Nagarjuna.