Mumbai: Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt is enjoying her pregnancy life these days. Even during pregnancy, Alia is promoting her upcoming film Brahmastra fiercely. During the promotion, Alia is fiercely giving Maternity Fashion Goals. Recently, Alia along with husband Ranbir Kapoor and the rest of the film’s cast reached the Brahmastra pre-release event held in Hyderabad.
In this event, Alia once again made a lot of headlines with her looks. Alia stunned everyone with her adorable customized outfit at the event. Talking about the look, Alia wore a pink Garara Vaar suit designed by Abu Jani, Sandeep Khosla.
Alia completed her look with minimal makeup, pink lipstick, bindi. During this, Alia kept her hair open. The thing that caught everyone’s attention in this look of Alia was her gargle.
Actually, ‘Baby on board’ was written on the back of the Garara suit.
During this, Alia turned to the cameras and happily flaunted the ‘baby on board’ print on her outfit. Ranbir, on the other hand, looked handsome in a black outfit. Fans are very fond of these pictures.
Directed by Ayan Mukerji, Brahmastra is slated for a worldwide release on 9 September. Apart from Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt, the film also stars Nagarjuna, Amitabh Bachchan and Mouni Roy.