Mumbai: Tamil filmmaker N Lingusamy has been sentenced to 6 months imprisonment by the Metropolitan Magistrate Court in a check fraud case. A case was registered against N. Lingusamy and his brother Subhas Chandra Bose by PVP Capital Limited. The check given to PVP Capital Limited by Director Lingusamy for an amount of Rs.1.03 crore has bounced. Thereafter, PVP Capital Limited filed a case against Lingusamy and his brother Subhas Chandra Bose.
Lingusamy and his brother run the production company Tirupati Brothers. The production company, in 2014, took a loan from PVP Capital Limited to make a film titled Enni Yezu Naal which flopped. The filmmaker and his brother had failed to repay the debt as the film did not work.
PVP Capital approached the Madras High Court, which directed Lingusamy and his brother to return the loan amount to PVP Capital, but it was observed that the check given by Lingusamy had bounced. PVP Capital then filed a check fraud case against the director and his brother.
Lingusamy said he would file an appeal against the Metropolitan Magistrate’s Court (which sentenced the director to six months’ imprisonment) in the High Court.
Lingusamy said in a statement- The dispute is between PVP Capitals and our production house Thirupati Brothers Film Media Pvt Ltd. The Hon’ble Court today delivered its verdict on the petition filed by him. We will appeal against this order and face the issue legally.