Mumbai Neha Dhupia shared pictures with her son Gurik Singh Dhupia Bedi on Instagram. Both were seen twinning in white outfits on Thursday. The pictures of Neha with the son were clicked by her husband Angad Bedi. Fans called her ‘Glowing Mama’ in the comments section.
In the pictures, Neha is wearing a white flared dress with black heels. His son is wearing a white T-shirt with blue shorts. In one of the pictures, Neha hugs her son. In another picture, Neha strikes a lovely pose. She also posted some solo pictures with a black handbag and also gave candid poses.
Sharing the pictures on Instagram, Neha wrote, “Look who decided to walk straight into mama’s arms… when daddy was clicking pictures of mama @guriqdhupiabedi.” Many of his fans posted comments for him. One of his fans wrote, “Glowing mama.” Another wrote, “What a beautiful pictures. But the one with my son, the pictures are absolutely amazing. Others wrote, “Such precious moments.” A user praised Neha and wrote, “Phir se mein shape, my love.” Another person said, “You are looking beautiful with the little baby in your arms.” The other person said, “I want this dress, thank you.”
Neha married Angad Bedi in 2018. Gurik is Neha’s second child with husband Angad. Both have a three-year-old daughter Mehar. Recently Neha celebrated Gurik’s first birthday on 3 October 2022.
Neha wished daughter Mehr on her fourth birthday in November with a video and wrote, “Our magical girl Mehr… may you always be loved a lot, laugh in the most precious way, live your best and dance like you No one is watching Thank you for giving us the 4 best years of our lives.”
He was last seen in ‘Good Morning’, a short film that released on Amazon MiniTV. This was his first project since the birth of his son in October 2021.