New Delhi / Team Digital. Shiladitya Bora’s directorial debut ‘Bhagwan Bharose’ is going to have its world premiere at the UK Asian Film Festival. The film will be screened at the closing ceremony of the historic event in London on 13 May. The film is set in the 1990s and is based on the story of two children building their own understanding of God and religion. Recently the first poster of the film has also been released.
‘Bhagwan Bharose’ takes the viewers on an emotional journey as the children in the story face many challenges but stick to their faith. Both the children are played by Satendra Soni and Sparsh Suman in the lead roles. Apart from these, Vinay Pathak, Masumi Makhija, Manurishi Chadha, Srikanth Verma and Sawan Tank have also acted in the film.
Expressing happiness over the world premiere of the film, director Shiladitya Bora said, “I feel blessed to have realized a long-cherished dream by a hardworking group. This film is a labor of love, and I Can’t wait for the audience to experience the story and the incredible performances of our talented cast. We are excited to begin our journey with the Silver Jubilee edition of the prestigious UK Asian Film Festival, and hope we make it Will bring back to India soon.”
Vinay Pathak says, “Bhagwan Bharose is a lovely and special story, and I have been fortunate enough to be a part of Shiladitya’s first directorial project. This good news could be just the beginning of his long illustrious cinematic journey.” The film will be releasing this summer, for which the audience seems quite excited.