Mumbai Actor Shahrukh Khan’s wife Gauri Khan is in big trouble. An FIR has been registered against 3 people including Gauri Khan in Lucknow. This case against Gauri has been registered under section 409 of IPC. Actually Gauri Tulsyani is the brand ambassador of Construction and Developers Limited. A person named Kirit Jaswant Shah from Mumbai had bought a flat in this project in Lucknow. The person claims that till now he has not got the flat despite being given Rs 86 lakh. He has filed a complaint in the Lucknow police station accusing Gauri Khan of embezzling money.
As per reports, in the complaint, the person claimed that the flat located in Sushant Golf City area of Tulsiani Golf View was given to someone else. Apart from Gauri Khan, the complainant has also filed a complaint against CMD of Tulsyani Construction and Development Limited Anil Kumar Tulsyani and its director Mahesh Tulsyani. The man says that he had bought the flat after getting influenced by the brand ambassador Gauri Khan.
What is the whole matter?
The complainant said that Gauri Khan was the brand ambassador of Tulsyani Construction and Developers Limited in 2015. Then she was promoting it and had informed that flats are being built in Sushant Golf City Sector-1 Pocket D of Lucknow. Impressed by this, the complainant immediately went to get the flat. There CMD and Director of Tulsyani Construction told him the price of the flat is Rs 86 lakh and said that he would get the flat by 2016. But didn’t get the flat even after paying the money. Since Gauri Khan was the brand ambassador of this company, her name is registered in the FIR. As of now, there is no response from Gauri or her family regarding this.