Bollywood tadka team. Renowned actor and director of the film industry Satish Kaushik is no more in this world. The veteran actor passed away on Thursday morning. His demise caused a big blow to the Bollywood industry. Stars were seen paying tribute to Satish Kaushik with moist eyes. At the same time, the last rites of the actor were performed on Thursday evening itself, where many well-known personalities of the industry came to bid him farewell. During the funeral of Satish Kaushik, the stars were seen crying bitterly.
Satish Kaushik’s last rites took place at Versova’s cremation ground, where stars were seen crying a lot while shouldering the actor’s bier.
Anupam Kher became very emotional during Satish Kaushik’s funeral and bid farewell to him with tears in his eyes.
Superstar Salman Khan also arrived to pay last respects to Satish Kaushik, whose video is going viral on the internet. Actor Ranbir Kapoor also came to bid farewell to Satish Kaushik.
Abhishek Bachchan, who arrived for the last audience of Satish Kaushik, was seen expressing grief by hugging Anupam Kher.
Apart from this, celebs like Arjun Kapoor, Rakhi Sawant, Shahnaz Gill, Raj Babbar, Javed Akhtar, Ashok Pandit and Anoop Soni came to bid farewell to Satish Kaushik.
Let us tell you that Satish Kaushik had a heart attack on Thursday morning, soon after which he was rushed to Fortis Hospital in Gurugram, however, he died on reaching the hospital. The film industry has suffered a great loss due to Satis’ demise.