New Delhi. Prime Video today announced that veteran actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu will star opposite Varun Dhawan in the Indian installment of Prime Video and Russo Brothers AGBO’s global event series, Citadel Universe. This untitled Citadel series is being directed by Raj and DK. To whom Sita R. Menon has co-written it with Raj and DK. Currently the production work is going on in Mumbai. Thereafter, the unit will travel to international locations such as North India, Serbia and South Africa. This series will be streamed on Amazon Prime.
Talking about Samantha, Amazon Prime Head Aparna Purohit said, “We are very excited to be working with Samantha once again. She is streaming with The Family Man Season 2 on Prime Video. and today he is one of the most promising actors in the film industry. Now we can’t wait for the audience to see him in a completely new avatar on screen, and join him in this series Apart from Varun, many talented actors are going to be seen.
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Samantha Ruth Prabhu said, “When Prime Video and Raj & DK approached me for this project, I immediately jumped at the chance to work with them! I’ve worked with this team on The Family Man, so it’s like homecoming for me.” He further added, “The story-time interweaving between the Citadel universe and productions across the globe impressed me a lot, and to be honest, the script for the Indian installment got me really excited. I am extremely happy that I have got an opportunity to be a part of this brilliant universe conceptualized by Russo Brothers. I am also glad that I got a chance to work with Varun for the first time through this project. He is a very lively person and always keeps the atmosphere around him happy.
Let us tell you that this series has been produced by D2R Films and Amazon Studios. Meanwhile, Josh Applebaum, Andre Nemec, Jeff Pinkner and Scott Rosenberg serve as executive producers for all series within the Midnight Radio, untitled Indian Original and global Citadel universes.