Bollywood tadka team. The stars of the film industry are seen going out of Mayanagari Mumbai every year to celebrate New Year with friends and family. This time too many stars have reached their favorite place for New Year celebrations. On the other hand, Katrina Kaif husband Vicky Kaushal has reached Rajasthan before the new year, where she is seen enjoying wildlife a lot. The actress has shared many pictures of Jungle Safari with fans, which are going viral on the internet.
Katrina Kaif has shared pictures of Rajasthan Trip on her Instagram account. In the first of these pictures, she is seen posing beautifully in a black outfit. Whereas, in the second, she is seen posing romantically sitting next to husband Vicky Kaushal. While in others nilgai, leopard and beautiful scenery are visible. After sharing these pictures, the actress wrote in the caption- ‘This is very magical. I think this is one of my favorite destination.
These pictures are showering love openly on these pictures of Katrina.
On the work front, Katrina Kaif will soon be seen in ‘Tiger 3’ alongside Salman Khan. On the other hand, Vicky Kaushal is seen in the recently released film ‘Govinda Naam Mera’ on OTT.