New Delhi. Hollywood’s acclaimed and famous director Tarsem Singh has recently shot his first feature film in India. In addition to feature films, Tarsem is globally known for his award winning ad films and music videos, starring the world’s top brands and stars Brad Pitt, Lady Gaga, Deep Forest, Artists such as REM and Enrique Iglesias are included.
Based on a true story, the film was shot by famed Hollywood cinematographer Brendan Galvin. The film is produced by T-Series (Bhushan Kumar), Wakau Films (Vipul D Shah, Ashwin Varde, Rajesh Behl), Creative Strokes Group (Sanjay Grover) and Tarsem Singh. The story of the film is written by Amit Rai, the writer and director of Oh My God 2.
Tarsem has said, “This is my passion project. And I think this is the right time for the world to see it. A strong story like this needs to be brought to the fore.” The crew of the film includes some of the top Indian and international names, with the post-production taking place in Montreal, Canada. Tarsem believes that it was the right combination that led to the making of the film. Apart from this, Bhushan Kumar of T-Series is also very happy with this experience.
Vipul D Shah of Vakau Films says, “Tarsem is a legend and it was truly magical to watch her create magic on the sets.”While Ashwin Varde of Vakau Films says, “It is an extraordinary subject directed by an extraordinary director, the world Will be stunned to see this. To this, Rajesh Behl of Vakau Films says, “Tarsem is a class apart. His passion and dedication towards the craft is amazing, his vision is brilliant.
Sanjay Grover (Former Executive & Producer, MGM Studios, LA) of Creative Strokes Group says, “After producing films at MGM Studios, producing my first film with a director like Tarsem, whom I love and T-Series and It is really exciting to partner with a visionary producer like Wakau Films.
Let me tell you, Dear Jassi was shot across Punjab in 50 days and the last schedule of 2 weeks will be shot in Canada very soon. The film will have a massive worldwide release in mid-2023.