ButFLiX Team. Kannada actress Meghna Raj is going through a tough phase after the sudden demise of her husband Chiranjeevi Sarja. Superstar Chiranjeevi Sarja passed away on June 7, 2020 due to a heart attack. At the age of 39, he left his 5 months pregnant wife alone. However, after her husband’s demise, rumors of her second marriage sparked, to which the actress never reacted, but after a long time, Meghna has broken her silence on her marriage rumours.
Recently, when Meghna Raj was asked in an interview whether she would remarry. So he said, “There is a group of people who advise me to get married. There is also a group of people who say that you should be happy with your son. So, who should I listen to?”
After this he added, “Chiranjeevi always used to say that no matter what the world says, listen to your heart. I have not yet asked myself this question about marriage. Chiru has left behind one thing that a person should be allowed to marry. How should I live? That’s why I don’t think about what will happen tomorrow. And I don’t even think about how my life will be after a few days.”
Let me tell you, Meghna tied the knot with Kannada actor Chiranjeevi Sarja on 2 May 2018. Before marriage, the couple had dated each other for about 10 years. After the death of her husband, the actress gave birth to a son named Ryan Raj Sarja, who is about 2 years old.