Mumbai Priyanka Chopra Jonas surprised her fans on Monday and shared some photos from her upcoming web series Citadel. Priyanka has shared the photos on her Instagram account. Seeing the photos, it can be guessed that Priyanka is going to do a lot of action this time and this time she is going to play a different role.
Apart from Priyanka, glimpses of other lead actors have been shared from the series. Priyanka has shared a total of nine pictures. In the first photo, she is sitting with her pistol pointed at her. His murderous attitude is also visible in the rest of the photos. The Russo Brothers are building the Citadel.
Citadel is a science fiction drama series. In this web series, Priyanka will be seen in the role of a spy. Citadel is said to be Prime’s most expensive series after The Rings of Power. A few months ago, The Hollywood Reporter quoted sources as saying that Citadel had an initial budget of $160 million, but ended up spending another $75 million. Priyanka had informed about starting the shooting of Citadel in 2021 by sharing a picture, in which her face was seen smeared with mud.
This is Priyanka’s second series. Earlier, she has played the lead role in the show Quantico which aired from 2015 to 2018. He played the character of an agent named Alex Parish. A few days ago, Priyanka also released the first look of her Hollywood film Love Again, in which she will be seen opposite Sam Heughan.
Priyanka has previously appeared in The Matrix Resurrections. At the same time, his film The White Tiger on Netflix was very popular. Apart from this, Priyanka is also involved in film production.