Bollywood’s lovable couple Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani are now tied in the holy bond of marriage. The couple got married in royal style on 7 February 2023 at Suryagarh Palace in Jaisalmer. After marriage, beautiful pictures of the couple have surfaced on social media. Kiara and Siddharth shared their wedding photos and wrote a special caption. Fans are showering lots of love on these pictures and are also congratulating the couple for starting a new life.
Mumbai Bollywood’s lovable couple Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani are now tied in the holy bond of marriage. The couple got married in royal style on 7 February 2023 at Suryagarh Palace in Jaisalmer. After marriage, beautiful pictures of the couple have surfaced on social media. Kiara and Siddharth shared their wedding photos and wrote a special caption. Fans are showering lots of love on these pictures and are also congratulating the couple for starting a new life.
After marriage, Siddharth and Kiara shared their first post on Instagram and wrote in the caption- ‘Now your permanent booking is done. We seek your blessings and love for our journey ahead,
Along with this, the couple also shared three beautiful pictures of their wedding. In the first picture, Kiara and Siddharth are seen lost in each other’s eyes and at the same time folding hands in front of each other.
In the second, Kiara is smiling lovingly holding Sidharth Malhotra’s hand. In the last picture, the Shershaah actor is seen kissing his wife Kiara on the cheek.
At her wedding, Kiara Advani became a beautiful bride in a baby pink lehenga. Diamond and silver ornaments are adding to the beauty of the actress with this lehenga designed by Manish Malhotra, while Siddharth Malhotra is looking perfect groom in golden and white embroidery sherwani. As soon as these pictures of the couple surfaced on social media, there was a flood of comments from fans and industry stars. Everyone was seen wishing the newly wedded couple a lot.