Mumbai: The year 2022 brought a lot of happiness for TV couple Debina Banerjee and Gurmeet Choudhary. The couple welcomed a lovely daughter Liana earlier this year. Debina became a mother after 11 years of marriage. At the same time, 1 month after the birth of daughter Liana, she came to know about her second pregnancy, which added to her happiness. On November 11, 2022, the cries of a couple and a child echoed in one house.
Debina again gave birth to a lovely daughter. Although this daughter of the actress was born prematurely, that is, her little lady is premature. Debina had given birth to her daughter before the delivery date, due to which her darling is very weak and she had to stay in the hospital for some time. Now the daughter of the actress is fine. Debina has shared a small glimpse of her beloved with the fans. Debina has shared the first video of her premature baby from the hospital room.
In the video we can see their newborn baby in the hospital room. Gurmeet Choudhary can be seen completing the medical formalities. Couple’s darlings are being treated by doctors on the basis of premature baby.
Not only this, Gurmeet is lovingly looking at his beloved. With this video Debina wrote-‘Our miracle baby was in a hurry to come into the world. Thank you for being kind, all your blessings matter, she is recovering. I cannot thank the doctors enough for everything they are doing for her. Daddy, Gurmeet and Mummy are with me, I am just waiting to take the miracle baby back home.’
Deborna posted a cute announcement of the baby’s arrival. She shared a picture from a maternity photoshoot with her husband Gurmeet holding a bunch of pink balloons. On top of the picture he wrote- ‘It’s a girl.’ she wrote- ‘Welcome to the world our baby girl. We have become parents again, we demand some privacy at this time, as our baby has come into the world prematurely. Continue your blessings and your love.
Gurmeet Choudhary and Debina Banerjee welcomed Liana on 3rd April this year. Gurmeet and Debina prayed a lot for Liana and finally they opted for IVF. At the same time, four months after the birth of Liana, they got a big surprise because Debina conceived in a natural way, so the couple’s happiness knew no bounds. Now the couple is the parents of two lovely daughters.