Mumbai: Miley Jab Hum Tum fame Abhishek Sharma tied the knot with his girlfriend Kanan Sharma on 8 August 2022. About 10 days after the wedding, Abhishek shared this good news with the fans. Talking about the look, Abhishek Sharma is looking very good in blush pink color Sherwani.
At the same time, his bride is looking very beautiful in red lehenga. Gold necklace, maang patti, kalire are making the look of bride Kanan Sharma perfect.
Piya’s name mehndi in her hands, minimal make-up, chuda is adding to Kanan’s bridal look. The wedding pictures of the couple are becoming increasingly viral on social media, which are being liked by the fans.
The actor has also shared a picture of the wedding on his Insta account. With this picture he wrote-Me and Kanan Sharma tied the knot on 8 August 2022.
All I would like to say is that, when you find a girl in life who can look at you in such a way that you will never leave her side, this is what I found in Kanan.
Thanks Kanan, for being with me. I am grateful and blessed to have you as my wife in my life. Still can’t believe that, I am calling you wife.
‘We had a small wedding in front of friends. We wanted to keep it private amongst our close friends and family. Please give us your blessings. This is a new beginning for both of us. love you all Thank you.’
Abhishek Sharma and Kanan Sharma’s love started during an ad shoot.
Both are from the acting world, so there was friendship between the two and then friendship turned into love. Now both of them have become husband and wife by tying the knot.