New Delhi / Team Digital. Bollywood actor Karthik Aryan has tremendous fan following not only in India but also in America. We are saying this because recently the actor attended the Holi Fest in Dallas, USA, during which he received immense love from the people there. Seeing Karthik, the fans hunted and shouted loudly, and the actor himself was also surprised to see him. The actor did not feel that he would get the feeling and love of his country on a foreign land. Let us tell you that in the meantime, to celebrate Holi with the fans, the actor climbed on the roof of the car and played Holi fiercely.
Kartak Aryan played Holi in USA
Let us tell you that recently Karthik has shared a video on his Instagram account in which the actor is celebrating Holi with fans in America. Karthik came out of his car during this. In such a situation, gulal and different colors were seen on the clothes of the actor. Meanwhile, the actor also performed the hook step of the song ‘Hare Krishna Hare Ram’ from Bhool Bhulaiyaa and also made a video with the people.
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While sharing this video, Karthik has also given a cute caption. The actor wrote that ‘Feeling of our country abroad. I celebrated Holi in the US for the first time, a heartfelt thank you to all of you for your immense love. This Holi will always be close to my heart.
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This video of Karthik is becoming increasingly viral on the Internet. On which people are commenting fiercely. Talking about the workfront, Karthik Aryan’s film ‘Shehzada’ was recently released in theaters but this film could not impress the audience much. At the same time, the actor has also announced ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’ a few days back.