Bollywood tadka team. The film ‘Raja Hindustani’ fame actress Karishma Kapoor may be away from the film world these days, but she remains in the limelight for some reason or the other. Recently Karisma Kapoor was spotted at a studio with designer Puneet in Juhu. During this, her very beautiful look was seen. Now these pictures of the actress are becoming very viral on the internet.
Talking about the look, during this time Karishma Kapoor is looking very beautiful in green frock suit.
She has styled this dress with matching dupatta. The actress has complemented her look with minimal makeup, earrings and open hair.
Karishma’s beauty is being made in the overall look. Fans are very fond of this look of Karisma Kapoor.
Let me tell you, Karisma started her career in 1991 with the film Prem Qaidi opposite Harish Kumar. He was last seen in ZEE5 and ALTBalaji’s Mentalhood in 2020.