Bollywood tadka team. Actress Jacqueline Fernandez has once again set the internet on fire with her latest photoshoot. Recently, the actress got a photoshoot done in a golden gown, in which she looked very sexy. Jacqueline has shared these pictures of herself on her Instagram account, seeing which the fans are going crazy. Have a look too…
It can be seen in the pictures that Jacqueline Fernandes looked very bold in a shimmery golden gown.
The belly of the actress is also visible in the thigh-high slit gown. She has completed her look with glitter eyeshadow, nude lips and open hair.
Jacqueline’s beauty is being seen in the overall look.
Blowing people’s senses with her look, Hasina is giving more than one pose in front of the camera.
Talking about the work front, Jacqueline Fernandes is in discussion about the film Kick 2 these days.