Bollywood tadka team. Actress Gauhar Khan is enjoying her pregnancy period these days. She will soon give birth to husband Zaid Darbar’s child. Before delivery, Gauhar is living her every moment making it special. Meanwhile, on Friday night, the actress went out on a date night with her husband, whose beautiful pictures she has shared with fans on social media.
Gauhar Khan has shared the video of the night date on her Instagram account, in which she is posing in front of the camera smiling with husband Zaid Darbar. The pregnancy glow is clearly visible on her face. Talking about the look, during this time Gauhar is looking very stylish in a check blazer with a black outfit. At the same time, Zaid is also looking perfect in black T-shirt.
Sharing this video, the actress wrote in the caption- ‘Date nights are special #justYOUandME.’ Fans are liking this post of Gauhar a lot and are also giving their feedback by commenting.
Let me tell you, in December 2022, Gauhar Khan and Zaid Darbar had announced to become unpay parents with the fans.