Mumbai Actor Shaleen Bhanot’s ex-wife Daljit Kaur tied the knot with Nikhil Patel on March 18. At present, the couple is celebrating honeymoon in Bangkok. Recently Dalljiet has shared some pictures from Bangkok, which are becoming very viral.
In the pictures, Dalljiet is wearing a black crop top and a dark green skirt. The actress is wearing bangles in her hands and mangalsutra around her neck. The actress has completed her look with light makeup and open hair. Dalljiet is looking hot in this look. While Nikhil Patel is looking handsome in blue T-shirt and black pants. Both are smiling and posing in front of the camera. Fans are giving a lot of love to these pictures.
Please tell that before Nikhil, Dalljiet Kaur was married to Shaleen Bhanot. They have a son named Jayden Bhanot. At the same time, Nikhil, the businessman husband of the actress, is also married. He has two daughters from his first marriage.