New Delhi / Team Digital. Two years have passed since the death of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput, but even today the memory of the late actor brings tears to the eyes of his loved ones. Even today, trends are run on Twitter to bring justice to the actor. In such a situation, Anurag Kashyap recently told in an interview that he was very sad that he had ignored Sushant. When the actor had expressed his desire to work with Anurag Kashyap before his death. Anurag said that he still regrets for this.
Sushant had requested Anurag before his death
A few days after Sushant’s death, Anurag had told that ‘the late actor wanted to work with him. But at that time Anurag refused to work with Sushant because his experience of working with the actor was not good. Now in a recent interview, Anurag said that ‘It took me a year and a half to understand many things. I used to react very quickly about things. I would also vent in anger to others about the things that bothered me. Social media has become like this, that’s why I retreated.
Anurag apologizes to Abhay
Anurag also talked about his estrangement with Abhay Deol and Sushant Singh. He further said that ‘I felt very bad the day the unfortunate incident happened with Sushant. Somebody tries to talk to you three weeks ago and I feel guilty for ‘it wasn’t even that time that I didn’t want to talk to him’. After this, I also apologized to Abhay for my statement.