Bollywood tadka team. Actress Priyanka Chahar Chowdhary has been in limelight after coming out of Bigg Boss 16. She will soon be seen working with her co-star Ankit Gupta in the TV serial ‘Udariyaan’. The fans are quite excited to see the two working together. Meanwhile, recently Ankit-Priyanka got a wonderful photoshoot done, whose pictures are becoming very viral on social media.
It can be seen in the pictures surfaced that Priyanka is seen showering love on Ankit Gupta. At the same time, Ankit is also seen posing in Priyanka’s arms.
In one picture, the actress is posing with a smiling hand on Ankit’s face. Together tremendous chemistry is being seen in both. Fans are also liking these pictures a lot.
Let me tell you, Ankit Gupta and Priyanka Chahar Chowdhary entered together in Bigg Boss 16 and the real friendship of both was liked by the people. At the same time, Salman Khan was also impressed by their friendship. At the same time, Priyanka, who reached Chandigarh after being eliminated from the show, was warmly welcomed by Ankit.