Mumbai: Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are currently enjoying the success of their recently released film Brahmastra Part One: Shiva. Brahmastra has earned more than 300 crores worldwide. The couple had sweated a lot for the promotion of the film and now the couple’s hard work is paying off. Apart from the star cast of the film during the promotion, the person who stayed with Alia-Ranbir all the time was their bodyguard Yusuf Ibrahim.
In such a situation, as soon as they were free from the promotion of the film, the couple reached Yusuf Ibrahim’s house and spent time with his family. During this pictures are becoming increasingly viral on the Internet. In the pictures, Ranbir Alia can be seen wearing a casual outfit.
Talking about the look, Ranbir is looking cool in a white T-shirt. He is wearing a cap on his head.
While Alia looked stunning in a black dress. Alia paired a denim jacket with this dress. In the dress, she is flaunting baby bump with great confidence.
According to a report, Mumbai-based Yusuf runs 911 Protection which provides bodyguard services to several Bollywood celebs. In fact, she has also taken care of security preparations for the wedding of actors Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal.
Let us tell you that Ranbir Alia is one of the most loved celebrity couples in the country. The lovebirds tied the knot earlier this year. A few months after the wedding, Alia shared the news of her pregnancy with the fans.