New Delhi / Team Digital. The biggest film of the year, Avatar The Way of Water has been released on 16th December. The film has crossed the 100 crore mark in just 2 days. This film is getting a lot of love from the audience. Meanwhile, Khiladi Kumar of Bollywood also reached to watch Avatar 2. Whose video is going viral on social media.
Akshay arrives to watch Avatar 2 with daughter Nitara
Actor Akshay Kumar along with his daughter Nitara again reached the theater to watch the film ‘Avatar: The Way of Water’. This video of him has gone viral on social media. In the video, his daughter Nitara is being seen with Akshay. Akshay Kumar is walking holding daughter’s hand. In the video clip, Akshay is seen wearing a black hoodie and jeans along with a black cap. While her daughter Nitara is looking very cute in white top and black leggings. During this, Akshay is seen protecting Nitara as the crowd of paparazzi surrounds him. Whose Akshay is seen protecting Nitara and entering inside the building.
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Akshay praised the film
Please tell that before this Akshay has seen Avatar 2. At that time, he had also made a tweet praising the film. Akshay wrote in his tweet- ‘Watched Avatar The Way Of Watak last night and oh boy!! Wonderful words.. I am still mesmerized. Also, tagging James Cameron in his tweet, he wrote- ‘I want to bow before your genius craft… Live on’