Mumbai: Actress Ankita Lokhande is enjoying her married life with Vicky Jain these days. Ankita married Vicky in December last year. After a few months of marriage, the news of the actress’s pregnancy started flying.
At the same time, Ankita has said such a thing about her pregnancy that her statement is going viral. Actually, Ankita had recently arrived to participate in a special episode of ‘DID Super Moms’.
During this, citing show’s anchor Jai Bhanushali DID Moms asked Ankita-Tell me when you are becoming a super mom. To this Ankita replies in the voice of a child- ‘Right now I am the baby myself.’
Hearing this answer of Ankita, the actress who played the role of mother-in-law in the serial ‘Pavitra Rishta’, pointing to keeping her head in her lap said- ‘Come.’ As soon as the actress said this, the judges of the show and everyone else started laughing out loud.
The news of Ankita’s pregnancy had sparked when she shared some pictures from Goa vacation with husband Vicky Jain. In these pictures, Vicky had placed his hand on Ankita’s stomach. Seeing such pictures of the couple, the fans started commenting that Ankita is pregnant.
Talking about DID Super Moms, it premiered on July 2. The show has judges like Remo D’Souza, Bhagyashree and Urmila Mantodkar. It airs every Saturday and Sunday at 9 PM on Zee TV.