Mumbai ‘Drama Queen’ Rakhi Sawant is in discussion about her personal life these days. Rakhi has made many serious allegations like assault, cheating, extra marital affair on husband Adil Durrani. After the FIR of the actress, Adil was arrested and sent to judicial custody. Now once again the police custody of Adil Khan has increased. Rakhi Sawant also interacted with the media after the court hearing.
Please tell that Adil Khan Durrani is in jail for 15 days. Now, in the hearing held in the Andheri court, the court has again ordered Adil to be kept in police custody till February 20. Rakhi’s lawyer said during a conversation with the media- ‘We were trying for many days and now the court has sent Adil to police custody till February 20.
After the court hearing, Rakhi while talking to the media said- ‘Getting police custody was very important. My lawyers are like my brothers. He has helped me without any money. Adil was looking at him angrily. Rakhi Sawant did not get justice, the victimized women of India got justice. History has been created for the first time.
For information, let us tell you that apart from Rakhi, an Iranian student has also accused Adil Durrani of rape, making objectionable videos and threatening and has registered a case in Mysore.