ButFLiX Team. South’s well-known actress Mahalakshmi has tied the knot for the second time. The actress took seven rounds with 52-year-old producer Ravinder Chandrasekaran on Thursday. The couple got married in a private ceremony attended by their close members and friends. The actress has shared her wedding pictures on her Instagram, which are becoming very viral on the internet and fans are also seen congratulating the couple.
Sharing the wedding photos, Mahalakshmi wrote in the caption – I am lucky that you are in my life.. You fill my life with your love.. Love you Ammu.
It can be seen in the pictures that Mahalakshmi, 32, looks very beautiful as a bride in a red and green color saree. She has completed this look with forehead patti, necklace and green bangles, in which her beauty is being seen. At the same time, her husband is seen wearing a garland of flowers around his neck in a white kurta.
According to reports, Mahalakshmi and Ravinder met on the sets of the film ‘Vidiyum Varai Kathiru’. Their friendship gradually turned into love and now both of them have held each other’s hand for seven lives.
Talking about work, she is a well-known South actress. She has appeared in superhit TV serials like Vaani Rani, Office, Chellamay, Uthirippukkal and Oru Kai Osai.
Let us tell you that Mahalakshmi was earlier married to Anil, but in 2019 both of them got divorced. The actress also has a son from her first marriage.