New Delhi / Team Digital. Vamika Gabbi took to social media and shared a rehearsal video of one of the songs from a unique short film, ‘Fursat’ starring Vishal Bhardwaj. The film which has been appreciated for its unique storyline and the pair’s amazing chemistry, it definitely came with their off screen preparation which reflected in their spontaneous romance on screen.
Vamika Gibby shared rehearsal video
For a song sequence, Ishaan and Vamika had to undergo training to learn contemporary dance, which was a completely new experience for Vamika. Due to her other commitments, the actress had limited time and could only train for 8 days. Vamika took to social media to express her gratitude and surprise and said, “I don’t know how I learned a new dance form in 8-9 days”. He continued to thank his dance team including Shiamak Davar, Puneet Cheema, Anisha Dalal and Kriti Vesely.
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Vamika also penned a lovely thank you note to her co-star Ishaan and said, “Thank you Ishaan for never complaining even after lifting me 1000 times in a day”.