New Delhi / Team Digital. It is said that in every street, every village and every town in India there is a student who dreams of becoming an IAS or IPS officer. Vidhu Vinod Chopra’s new film is about these students. After bringing us blockbuster films like Parinda, 1942: A Love Story, Mission Kashmir, Munnabhai franchise, 3 Idiots and PK, the producer-director returns to direct and produce ’12th Fail’, an adaptation of Anurag Pathak’s best-selling novel , Which was named Sem.
Shooting will be held in Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
The film is inspired by the real-life story of IPS officer Manoj Kumar Sharma and IRS officer Shraddha Joshi. But ’12th Fail’ is not a biography, as it is a picture of the power of one – how a man or a woman with integrity can make a difference. ’12th Fail’ is the first film to be shot in Mukherjee Nagar, New Delhi, Where generations of bureaucrats have been born.
Film will inspire students
Talking about the film, VVC says, “If an honest person is in a position of power, the world can really change. I have come across countless IAS and IPS officers in the process of writing this film. ’12th Fail’ is a tribute to all of them. If this film can inspire 10 more officers to strive for integrity, 10 more students to strive for excellence…then I will believe that I have succeeded.”
Vikrant Massey will be seen in the lead role in this film.
Actor Vikram Massey will be seen in the lead role in the film 12 Fail. Talking about the film, Vikrant says, “It is the tragedy of our times that truth and honesty are rare. This film is a dedication to all the students who are dreamers, all the honest officers who are the backbone of our country and constitution. Working with VVC is a dream come true and a huge challenge as he is such a wonderful director. ,
VVC has completed the first schedule of ’12th Fail’ in Chambal, Agra and is currently shooting for the second schedule in Delhi. The film is set for release in the summer of 2023.