Mumbai: Videos of the bride and groom often go viral on social media. In some of these, the entry of Brides wins hearts, while the dance of many makes people crazy about them. Recently a video is going viral in which the bride and groom are playing Nain-Matka in the mandap.
People are finding these things going on in the eyes of both of them quite cute. In the video, the bride and groom are seen sitting in the pavilion, who are looking very cute together. Giving an expression to the groom, the bride is asking how I am looking.
On this, the groom also leaves no stone unturned to praise his bride by giving amazing expressions like the bride.
This video is really amazing which is leaving no stone unturned to grab the attention of the people. From the expression of the groom in the video, it can be gauged how relaxed his heart is after seeing the bride in front of him.