Bollywood tadka team. Superstar Hrithik Roshan has turned 49 on January 10. On this occasion, congratulations were pouring in for Hrithik on social media throughout the day. At the same time, many crazy fans reached the superstar’s house to wish him on his birthday. In such a situation, the superstar thanked his fans from the bottom of his heart by standing in the balcony of the house, whose pictures are now becoming very viral on social media.
It can be seen in the pictures that hundreds of fans reached his Juhu residence in Mumbai to wish Hrithik Roshan on his birthday and kept waiting for hours to catch a glimpse of their favorite actor. The actor also did not disappoint his fans and greeted everyone from the balcony of his house.
When Hrithik came on the balcony to greet his fans, there was a different happiness on his face.
The actor gave many flying kisses to the fans and expressed his heartfelt gratitude. The fans are also happy to see these pictures.
On the other hand, talking about Hrithik Roshan’s work, the actor was last seen in the film ‘Vikram Vedha’. Now his upcoming film is ‘Fighter’.