Bollywood tadka team. Actress Shilpa Shetty, apart from being a brilliant actress in the industry, is also a perfect mother, who takes great care of her children’s happiness. Today is the birthday of Shilpa’s daughter Sameesha. On this occasion, the heart of the actress is filled with happiness and love. On the third birthday of her daughter, Shilpa shared a cute video and wished her. Fans are liking this post a lot.
In the video shared by Shilpa, it can be seen that Sameesha is sitting on the bed wearing her mother’s high heels. Meanwhile, Shilpa asks her daughter, Madam, what are you doing, then little Samisha says that I am wearing father’s shoes, after which Shilpa says that these are not father’s, but mother’s heels. After this Sameesha is seen wearing her shoes.
Sharing the video, Shilpa wrote in the caption, ‘Oh my god, how time flies! This mini-me already wants to fit into momma’s shoes…turning 3 on the 23rd!Happy 3rd birthday, my doll…we all love and adore you more than we ever could Can’t even express. May you always be blessed and thank you for choosing me as your mother. Fans are very fond of this video and are also wishing little Sameesha a happy birthday by commenting.
Let me tell you, Shilpa Shetty welcomed daughter Sameesha on 15 February 2020 through surrogacy. Shilpa is already the mother of a son. Their son’s name is Viaan Raj Kundra, who was born in 2012. Shilpa Shetty married businessman Raj Kundra in 2009.