New Delhi / Team Digital. The film is titled ‘Ghaznavi’ and will release on March 3, with Rohit Narwar contributing as an assistant director. Establishing herself as a professional theater artiste at such a young age with a varied repertoire. Rohit has proved his acting skills and has five years of experience in theater plays.
To name a few, actor Rohit Narwar has acted in dramas like “Hamara Sadan, Hamara Mudda” directed by Dr. Ramendra, which aired on January 26. Based on the novel of the same name “Mother by Maxim Gorky”, which is known to be the best-selling book of all time after the English Bible, it was sponsored by the UGC, at the University of Calicut the “Crimes of the Gods” was performed. “Directed by Dr. Ramendra Chakraborty, the play was performed for the first time on 14 October 2016 and became the first occasion for Rohit Narwar to perform at the JNU convention centre, and “The Government Inspector again by Nikolai Gogol and Dharam Prakash Performed at JNU Convention Center.
Apart from the soon-to-be-released “Ghaznavi”, Rohit has extensive experience as an assistant director, having worked on a variety of projects from web series to ad shoots for Vipul Jewellers, and has Also did voiceover. of intriguing film projects.