New Delhi. Recently National Award winning director Sudhanshu Sariya’s ‘Sana’ starring Radhika Madan had its North American Premiere at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival. Which got a heart touching response. The Santa Barbara International Film Festival is one of the oldest and most prestigious film festivals in the world and the first-stop festival for Academy Award nominees. Sana is the only Indian film screened at the festival.
Talking about it, director Sudhanshu Sariya said, “What I thought was a niche film made for a niche audience has fast become a very universal film that is connecting with audiences everywhere. It was an absolutely thrilling screening for American audiences and I couldn’t have asked for a more passionate, emotional and thrilling response than the one I got in Santa Barbara. My heart is filled and I look forward to bringing all the love back home to our amazing cast and crew can’t.”
Written and directed by National Award-winning director Sudhanshu Sariya, ‘Sana’ is an introspective drama about an ambitious and headstrong woman fighting an internal battle due to unresolved trauma. The film stars Radhika Madan, Sohum Shah, Shikha Talsania and Pooja Bhatt in lead roles. Sana recently had its world premiere at the 26th Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival to a packed audience and overwhelming critical acclaim.
Sariya’s upcoming projects include a young adult show for Amazon Prime Video, a spy thriller titled Ulaj with Junglee Pictures. He is also co-producing and writing Delhi Crime Season 3 for Netflix.