New Delhi. Taking India one step higher on the global map every time, global superstar NTR Jr bagged the ‘Best Actor in an Action Movie’ category nomination at the Critics’ Choice Super Awards. The pan-Indian superstar who achieved global reign with his performance in SS Rajamouli’s RRR deserves it in every way. NTR Jr.’s performance as the man of mass as Komaram Bheem has enthralled all Indian actors and artistes breaking the decades old wall.
The Critics’ Choice Association (CCA) unveiled the nominees for the third annual Critics’ Choice Super Awards last night. The winners of the same will be released on Thursday, March 16. Man of Masses NTR Jr’s performances have always been spectacular and action packed; Filled with unforgettable set pieces that have been loved by millions of fans around the world. An Indian revolutionary hero who is hard to forget, global superstar NTR Jr. has left behind a watermark in our memory time and again. It’s hard to forget him running through the jungle and roaring back at the tiger!
‘RRR’, as a masterpiece, has previously won the Golden Globe for Best Original Song (for ‘Naatu Naatu’, in which NTR Jr danced his heart out), among many other international accolades. ‘Natu Natu’ is also nominated for Oscar this year! The winning streak continues as RRR has been nominated for ‘Best Action Movie’ at the 3rd Annual Critics’ Choice Super Awards. Man of Masses NTR Jr will be next seen in NTR 30, directed by Koratala Siva. He will also team up with KGF director Prashant Neel on NTR31.