Bollywood tadka team. Actress Hansika Motwani is soon going to tie the knot with her businessman fiance Sohail Kathuria. The pre-wedding rituals of the couple have also started. Piya’s mehndi has also been drawn on Hansika’s hands, some glimpses of which have recently surfaced on social media.
Hansika’s pre-wedding rituals are happening in Jaipur, as she is about to tie the knot with Sohail Kathuria in Jaipur itself. It can be seen in the recently surfaced photos of the mehndi ceremony that Hansika is getting mehndi applied on her hands in an ethnic outfit.
She is looking very happy getting Piya’s name henna applied on both her hands. At the same time, Sohail, the husband of the actress, is also seen with her. Sohail is seen in Peach Kurta, while Hansika is looking very beautiful in Orange color suit.
Let me tell you, Hansika and Sohail will be married according to Sindhi customs in the 450-year-old fort of Jaipur. On December 4, this couple will be together forever after taking seven rounds.