New Delhi. Hansal Mehta and Anubhav Sinha’s hostage drama Faraaz marks Zahaan Kapoor’s debut in Indian cinema. While the trailer of the film has been released, recently a special screening of ‘Faraj’ was organized for the Kapoor family. From where the unfiltered version of the Kapoor family’s reaction to this intriguing thriller has come to the fore.
Media reports said that Kareena Kapoor Khan, Neetu Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan, father Kunal Kapoor, mother Sheena Sippy and others were left speechless as the screen went dark. The Kapoor clan was in tears of joy seeing Zahaan’s brilliant performance and also appreciated Aditya Rawal’s brutal aggression and expressions in the film.
Hansal Mehta’s direction is impeccable and he takes him inside the event as if it was happening in real time. They forced me to think what would happen next? The Dhaka attack is a relatively raw event and tells the story with sensitivity and utter courage. Mehta has certainly mastered the art. Anubhav Sinha’s production has given the right direction to the new age talent as actors and the result is excellent.
The film is directed by Hansal Mehta and produced by Bhushan Kumar, Anubhav Sinha, Sakshi Bhatt, Sahil Sehgal and Mazahir Mandsaurwala. The film is jointly produced by T-Series and Banaras Media in association with Mahana Films. The film stars Jehan Kapoor, Aditya Rawal, Juhi Babbar, Aamir Ali, Sachin Lalwani, Palak Lalwani and Resham Sahani. Faraaz is all set to release on February 3, 2023.