Mumbai Kiara Advani recently appeared in a TV commercial for a bridal-wear brand, which previously featured Alia Bhatt and Anushka Sharma. Seeing the actress as a bride, her fans want her to tie the knot with Siddharth Malhotra as soon as possible.
Kiara has shared the TVC on her Instagram account. With this he wrote, ‘Why old things in a new house? Watch now to learn more.” Fans wrote in the comments on the video, “This ad was put because Kiara and Sid are getting married on February 6.”
Some fans expressed their wish to see Kiara as a bride soon. “Waiting to see the original,” commented an Instagram user. A comment also read, “Getting ready for the wedding? One user wrote, “All is well but the groom did not enjoy.. Had Siddharth been there, the matter would have been different.” A user wrote, “It would have been more correct if Sidharth Malhotra was in it.”
Siddharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani shared the screen in the film ‘Sher Shah’. Both the actors have been dating each other for some time now but have not announced their wedding yet.
Rumors of their marriage are in full swing on the internet. According to the reports, this couple is going to tie the knot in February. While neither Sidharth nor Kiara has responded to the rumours. In a recent interview, Siddharth said, “I am getting married this year.”