New Delhi. Ever since the makers released the teaser of the upcoming film ‘Underworld Ka Akshar’, the audience is eagerly waiting for the action packed film. The film marks another collaboration between directors R Chandru and Upendra. Underworld Possession Pan-India release is already receiving positive response from the fans.
With ‘Underworld Ka Kabsa’, renowned producer Anand Pandit will enter the South industry. R. About his association with Chandru, Anand Pandit shared, “I have always loved R.K. Chandru’s work has been praised. His vision is exemplary. He brings out the best of stories and when I heard the story of Underworld Ka Kabsa, I was convinced that this film is made for the general public and I want the best RR. Must be a part of this story directed by Chandra. And I am sure that Underworld’s possession will receive a lot of love from the audience.”
Underworld Ka Kabzaa stars renowned actors like Upendra, Kichcha Sudeepa and Shriya Saran in pivotal roles. The film is all set to release on March 17 in Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam. The film is produced by Anand Pandit Motion Pictures in association with Shree Siddeshwara Enterprises and Alankar Pandian and produced by R. Directed by Chandru.