ButFLiX Team. While the interrogation of Jacqueline Fernandez is on in the Rs 200 crore money laundering case involving Sukesh Chandrashekhar, TV actresses Chahat Khanna and Nikki Tamboli are also under investigation. Recently there were reports that both the actresses had met Sukesh in Tihar Jail. Meanwhile, now Chahat has reacted to all these speculations.
Talking to the media, Chahat Khanna said that she wonders why she needs to clarify. It doesn’t make any sense now. This is not the time when I should clarify myself. She will give a confirmation when the time is right. I will certainly speak, not to defend myself, but to explain what really happened. Right now, what the media knows is only half of the whole story.
The actress said that if I opened about it then the whole ‘Chinese whispering game’ would start and hence she prefers to keep quiet.
Chahat continued, “If people draw conclusions without listening to my story, I can’t be bothered by it. They don’t know the reality. They can say or believe whatever they want. They have every right to do so. Right now, Me and my family are laughing after reading all the reports that what is there and what is coming out.
Last week, apart from Nora Fatehi and Jacqueline Fernandez, the names of Chahat Khanna and Nikki Tamboli were also revealed to be involved in Sukesh’s case. It was said that Nikki and Chahat had received cash and many valuable gifts from Sukesh and she also met him in Tihar Jail.