Mumbai TV fame Arjun Bijlani recently shared a photo with his son. The special thing about the photo is that he is seen celebrating his son’s victory. Actually, Arjun’s son Ayan has got the medal. Arjun arrives at Ayaan’s school function where his son is awarded a medal. The actor shared this happiness with his fans.
While sharing the photo, Arjun wrote in the caption, ‘So proud of you champ!! Keep shining!!!’
Let me tell you, TV’s well-known actor Arjun Bijlani has appeared in popular shows ranging from ‘Naagin’ to ‘Splitsvilla’. Arjun, who has been a part of the TV industry for a long time, has created a special place in the hearts of his audience. Arjun married Neha Swami in the year 2013. Both have a 10 year old son Ayaan.