New Delhi / Team Digital. Oyo owners Ritesh Agarwal and Geetansha Sood recently tied the knot. At the same time, after their marriage, the couple has hosted a grand reception in Delhi. The most important thing is that all the judges of ‘Shark Tank India’ have attended this wedding reception together. On the other hand, Ashneer Grover also attended the party on this special occasion.
Ashneer and Aman Gupta came face to face at Ritesh’s reception
Let us tell you that BoAt’s co-finder Aman Gupta and ‘Lenskart’ CEO Piyush Basanal were also seen in Ritesh’s reception party. And all the judges of ‘Shark Tank India’ also attended the party together. These pictures of Ritesh’s reception party are becoming increasingly viral on social media. Ashneer Grover is also seen in this photo.
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Let us tell you that out of all the judges of ‘Shark Tank India’, Ashneer’s name has been the most talked about. In the second season of the show, Ashneer was replaced by Car Dekho founder Amit Jain, which created a lot of uproar. On one hand, the fans of the show were giving a sad reaction on his sudden removal from the show, while on the other hand, Namita and Anupam Mittal were getting happy, but Aman did not give any reaction regarding this.